Principal of St. Theresa Catholic School
Mrs. Erin O’Malley is the Principal of St. Theresa Catholic School in Ashburn, VA. With 20 years in the education field, including teaching and counseling at the high school and college levels, she has special interests in mental health awareness, suicide prevention, teen dating violence and healthy relationships.
Mrs. O’Malley received her BS in Secondary Education/English and MS in Secondary School Counseling from the University of Scranton, Pennsylvania, and her Certificate in Administration and Leadership from the George Washington University and is certified K-12 Administrator, Counseling professional, and English teacher.  She is an alumna of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps where she taught and supervised centers for students with learning disabilities, as well as a member of the Virginia Catholic Education Association (VCEA) Accreditation Committee. She is a long-standing member of the American School Counselor Association where she is a reviewer on the National School Counselor or the Year selection panel.
Because of her efforts in creating awareness and building programs, she has been asked to participate in various events highlighting the problems of Teen Dating Abuse, such as conversations with Lynn Rosenthal, from Vice-President Biden’s Task, force on Domestic Violence Prevention to discuss domestic violence and teen dating violence, and presenting at a Capitol Hill briefing, hosted by Futures Without Violence, to raise awareness of the issue of teen dating violence, discussing promising initiatives that communities, schools, and parents can use to address this issue and the federal policy implications of the work from the field.
She and her family have begun a scholarship in her late brother’s name at the University of Scranton, and they hold a successful 5K and kids fun run and fair (ROAR5k.com) each year, as well as ongoing efforts to raise funds and also highlight the importance of healthy bodies and healthy minds.