Honorable Robert Anchondo

Judge, El Paso County, Texas Criminal Court

Judge Robert S. Anchondo presides over County Criminal Court at Law No. Two in El Paso, Texas, and has served in that capacity since February 2002.  He also created the DWI Intervention and Treatment Drug Court Program in November 2004.  He is a frequent speaker on DWI Drug Courts throughout the state.  Judge Anchondo was formerly on the DWI curriculum committee for the Texas Center for the Judiciary and also served as Dean for DWI College for the Texas Center for the Judiciary.  The Judge also serves as faculty for the National Judicial College and is the immediate past president for the Texas Association of Drug Court Professionals. He received his law degree from Thurgood Marshall School of Law and undergraduate degree from the University of Texas at El Paso.  Judge Anchondo is married to Maria and has four children and three grandchildren.