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IKnowEverything Challenge held at FCCLA National Leadership Conference

Today, the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility ( held our IKnowEverything Challenge event at the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America’s (FCCLA) annual National Leadership Conference during a workshop with students from chapters across the country. There were over 300 enthusiastic FCCLA students and their advisers participating. 

The IKnowEverything Challenge is an interactive game show style event in which participants use handheld devices to answer questions about safe driving practices. We highlighted gaps in the teens’ safe driving knowledge in order to raise awareness and to figure out how we can best address those gaps as a community. Throughout the beginning of 2014, held IKnowEverything Challenge events at 21 high schools, the majority of which were with local chapters of FCCLA. At the #FCCLANLC Opening General Session on July 7 we presented awards to 3 chapters for hosting the event.