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Stop Repeat DUI Offenders in Maryland

The fate of important legislation to prevent repeat DUI offenses hangs in the balance as the Maryland General Assembly finishes up its work and prepare to adjourns for the year on Monday night. Action is needed by the House Judiciary Committee ASAP to ensure this DUI legislation is passed into law.

The Maryland Senate has passed Senate Bill 296 which now awaits passage in the House. The House Judiciary Committee must schedule a vote on this bill asap or time will run out when the legislature adjourns on Monday. We urge you to help make it clear that Maryland legislators need to pass repeat DUI offender legislation this year. Call the House Judiciary Committee at (410) 841-3348 and encourage them to pass the felony DUI bill today!

This bill makes it a felony to have four impaired driving convictions. Felony DUI laws have already been enacted in 46 states. Maryland lacks felony DUI legislation. Let’s change that today.

The added punitiveness that felony charges carry has the potential to remove these individuals from the road and protect the public at large. We have seen far too many lives taken by repeat drunk drivers here in Maryland. Contact your Maryland State Delegates and Senators today and voice your support for these bills.

To learn more, visit the General Assembly of Maryland website.