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Traffic Safety Spotlight: Jared Olson

Jared Olson is one of the longest serving Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutors (TSRP) in the country. For years, Jared has served Idaho through his commitment to traffic safety. He has furthered the field through his work with both local and national partners to make all our roads safer. Jared works in close collaboration with law enforcement officers across Idaho and receives support from the National Highway Safety Association (NHTSA).

To learn more about Jared Olson’s work and the resources he shares, visit his website and follow his quarterly newsletter, “For the Road”. Thank you for joining us as we celebrated Jared Olson receiving the 2017 Kevin E. Quinlan Award for Excellence in Traffic Safety at our annual Holiday Hill Event!

Each year highlights leaders who have distinguished themselves in the fight against impaired driving with the Kevin E. Quinlan Award for Excellence in Traffic Safety. Winners range from Members of Congress to local leaders in our communities and each have gone above and beyond their station to make our roads safer.